SINTEF is one of Europe’s largest independent research organizations. It participates through the “Process Technology & Metal Production” department of the research institute SINTEF Industry bringing deep expertise in solving industrial challenges (wind) through applied mathematical models and tools, Machine Learning and validation through advanced material testing facilities.

AAU participates with the Department of Materials and Production and the research groups of Materials Science and Cracks in Composite Structures. These groups aim to strengthen the education, research, and development to promote the design, manufacturing, testing and validation of composite structures and products where low weight and/or cost, short design and development time, and high quality are important requirements

Norwegian University of Science and Technology is the largest university in Norway. The Department of Marine Technology (IMT) is a world leader in engineering systems in the marine environment, being specialised in industries such as shipping, fisheries and aquaculture, and marine oil and gas, but also in newer developments in offshore renewable energy (wind, wave, and current), coastal infrastructure such as floating bridges, and marine robotics for mapping and monitoring the ocean environment.

SGRE is the world’s only company operating at a global scale across the entire wind spectrum (onshore, offshore and services). SGRE is the global market leader for offshore with approximately 70% of market share in Europe. The company is dedicated to securing continued reductions in the LCoE from offshore wind power, an essential factor for the expansion of offshore wind markets around the globe.

Construcción is a leading EU construction company designing, constructing, and managing buildings and civil infrastructures under sustainability principles. It has an international presence in more than 40 countries and has its own R&D Technological Centre in Madrid, composed by 150 highly qualified researchers from a wide range of disciplines. The areas involved in this proposal are the Cement&Concrete and the Offshore Wind Group.
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RES is the world’s largest independent renewable energy company, working in 24 countries and active in wind, solar, energy storage, biomass, hydropower, green hydrogen, transmission and distribution. RES is the world’s largest provider of operation, maintenance and support services for renewable energy. It has some 35 GW of operation and maintenance (O&M) services and asset management contracts worldwide, serving the traditional energy services segment and independent power producers, as well as infrastructure investors.

Indar is a leader in the design and manufacture of rotating electric machines: generators, motors and submersible pumps. It has a workforce of more than 890 people and it is market leader in hydroelectric generation, wind, stationary energy (combustion engines), gas and steam (biomass, cogeneration, geothermal energy, etc.) as well as advanced electric propulsion systems for ships, plant generation (electric motors, frequency converters and generators) and electromobility (electric motors).

Hydro is a fully integrated aluminium company with approx. 35,000 employees in 40 countries on all continents. In addition to production of primary aluminium and extruded products and recycling, HYDRO also extracts bauxite, refines alumina and generates energy to be the only 360° company of the global aluminium industry.

Nonwovens A/S is a producer of nonwovens for several applications, i.e. composites. The company
produces rollgoods for both the construction of a composite fabric and as a process material for a composite fabric.

Institut für Energie- und Umweltforschung
IFEU is a non-profit SME. As an independent body for environmental research and consulting, IFEU has an extensive track record in areas such as waste management/recycling and packaging materials, transport & mobility, renewable energies, and energy efficiency as well as food and bio-based systems. IFEU is especially renowned for its expertise (>20 years) in the field of life cycle assessment (LCA) and environmental impact assessment (EIA).

Brussels is a Belgium SME owned by Zabala Innovation (450 employees), a consolidated consultancy firm. The Belgian affiliate has wide experience in EU projects and EU public affairs with EC DGs, partnerships, initiatives, etc