The current context of floating offshore wind energy

The floating offshore wind (FOW) faces several challenges that lock their massive deployment, such as the need to improve the reliability of floating platforms, to facilitate their mass serial production, and to reduce their LCoE (higher capacity factors, reduced CAPEX and OPEX, lower insurance rate…).
Because of their precommercial status, current FOW platform prototypes are overdesigned, and undersized (currently installed FOW units’ maximum nominal power is <10MW, in a water depth between 260 and 300 m, not allowing for the full exploitation of all offshore wind energy potential) and not cost or mass optimized. Current FOW
platform designs need to tackle several challenges to become a fully commercial reality for wind farms with bigger WTs.

floating offshore wind energy

Innovation for the future of floating offshore wind energy


The floating offshore wind (FOW) faces several challenges that lock their massive deployment, such as the need to improve the reliability of floating platforms, to facilitate their mass serial production, and to reduce their LCoE (higher capacity factors, reduced CAPEX and OPEX, lower insurance rate…).

Current FOW platform designs need to become a fully commercial reality for wind farms with bigger WTs. On the other hand, many offshore wind farms (WF) will reach their end of life in the coming years, calling attention to the importance “circularity by design” to optimise (critical) raw material use.


MADE4WIND will develop and test innovative components concepts for a 15 MW FWT consisting of new designs and manufacturing techniques for blades, substructure, and drivetrain.
These innovations will jointly allow future FWT to include new circular lightweighted materials, minimize the impact of sea habitats, increase operational availability, reduce maintenance needs and minimize LCoE; thus, unlocking the massive deployment of more than 15 MW floating WFs in Europe and worldwide.


MADEmaximise the deployment of renewables and the use of electricity to fully decarbonise Europe’s energy supply. In addition, European Green Deal aims to transform the EU into a fair and prosperous society, with a modern, resource-efficient and competitive economy where there are no net emissions of greenhouse gases in 2050 and where economic growth is decoupled from resource use.
4WIND will contribute to

Technical objectives to address the most relevant TECHNOLOGICAL CHALLENGES


Lightweight, recyclable, and easy to manufacture WT blades

New toughening materials for wind turbine blades.

MADE4WIND will go beyond SoA by exploring, maturing, and tailoring the toughening
technology based on interleaves, made of thin, lightweight (20-50 g/m2), cost-effective microfiber polymeric layers, for use in WT blades. We will make use of the patented7 manufacturing process of graded microfibre nonwoven interleaves by FIBERTEX, which in pilot tests by AAU have shown to increase the fracture toughness in conventional
blade laminates by ~50%8. SoA experimental tests9 will be further developed to investigate the toughening effect of embedded interleaves. Advanced simulation methods8 will be enhanced and the interleave toughening technology will be optimized by improving the microfibre distribution and through-the-thickness material grading.

Preform technology for modular manufacturing and design of WT blades.

Aims to develop the preform manufacturing steps needed for Blade production: preform layup, consolidation, placement, and infusion. A virtual process chain will be developed to aid the optimization of the preform manufacturing processes to achieve defect-free WT blade manufacturing with low tolerances.

Recycled blade reinforcement materials and (re-)use in high performance products.

Will exploit the recyclable Recyclamine-based epoxy infusion resin codeveloped by SGRE as this has the greatest potential for increasing the circularity of WT blades in the near future.

New toughening materials for wind turbine blades. copia

Lightweighted, circular and long-lasting solutions of floating WT structure

New materials for offshore floating WT supporting structures

ACCIONA’s CT-bos20 solution will be taken as a base case for MADE4WIND. The CT-bos is a TLP platform with a geometry based on a concrete port caisson which provides an easily adaptable solution for several turbine sizes without an overall impact on cost or size.

Aluminium rebar to replace steel for increased concrete durability

Will explore advanced modelling techniques, using and improving the constitutive models available in advanced commercial FE software such as Abaqus, in order to simulate Dynamic loads and fracture (e.g. the ‘concrete damaged plasticity’ 24 is a viable option). These constitutive models require a complex calibration procedure, and several mechanical tests, which will also be performed in MADE4WIND

Compact and more reliable WT drivetrain

Elimination of heavy rare earth magnets

A strategy to employ magnets with lower magnet properties i.e. less rare earth materials includes the following key aspects: reducing the power losses, through integrated optimized design of generator and converter; optimizing the demagnetization criteria which allows magnet with lower magnet properties to be utilized; and, the magnet topology optimization

Lightweighted drivetrains for FWT through compact and modular generator and converter

Will investigate the influence of the tower top motions on the drivetrain life.

Improved reliability of generator and converter

Development of the intelligent predictive computational modelling tools

Improved modelling tool for cost and LCoE analysis

Will develop an insulation of the bearing for the generator that will increase
the insulation resistance by factor of 3

Novel maintenance strategies and monitoring techniques

will develop and extend the work of RealTide and apply it to FWTs. Alongside this, novel techniques for electrical quantities will be developed by studying different potential analysis tools (e.g. Park’s vector method, the current signal method).
electrical quantities, studying different potential analysis tools (e.g. Park’s vector method, the current-signal method Generator air gap monitoring…).

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